Massage course
in English
near Leiden


This massage course is in Woubrugge (near the city of Leiden).
Only register if you have already agreed on dates and times with the trainer.


Massage course in English

  • Massage course for two people.
  • The registration and price is per person.
  • Trainer: Samir Rawas Sarayji
  • Course location: Woubrugge
  • If you cannot pay with iDEAL, please contact us for registering.
  • Register by clicking on the blue button

Massage Course for Beginners

The Massage Course for Beginners teaches you how to give a relaxing full body massage. You will learn various classical hands-on massage techniques which help relax the recipient both physically as well as mentally.

The lessons also include a theoretical component in order to substantiate the massage and the techniques used. An important part of the course is the extra attention paid to specific key points and some handy massage tips and tricks.

Richard from The Hague about this course:
“The course was delivered excellently, with care, respect and confidence. The techniques are taught on how to give a full body massage. Following the course, supplementary materials are also made available to supplement and to endorse the techniques. In addition, there is also a web-shop for those wishing to pursue learning and practicing further. Highly recommended!”

The course material will be explained in sections, giving you ample time in-between to practice under the supervision of a trainer. This is the most effective way to learn how to massage.

By the end of the course, equipped with these techniques, knowledge, and practice, you will be able to give a varied, full body relaxation massage.

Massage course

In this course you will:

  • Learn fifty massage techniques
  • Give a full body massage
  • Recieve a comprehensive manual in English (pdf)
  • Acquire useful tips & tricks
  • Recieve a certificate of participation
  • Massage and be massaged
  • Treat muscle nodes

The timetable of the course

The approximate teaching time is about 10 hours for this course. How we split that up depends on several factors that we will agree upon. Often, if it is on weekdays in the evenings, then it is split into 3 evenings of approximately 3 and a half hours. If it is on a weekend, then it will be split into approximately 5 hours on the Saturday and 5 hours on the Sunday. If it is on weekdays during the day, then this can be the same as for the evenings or as for the weekends.

This is an intensive course where you will learn 50 techniques. The trainer will explain and show a set of techniques on one participant, then you will repeat them on that participant while the trainer guides you. Afterwards, you switch and repeat the same process on the other participant. So, each of you will be massaged twice, once by the trainer and once by your fellow participant, and each of you will practice the techniques once.

Oksana about this course:
“I really liked the massage course ! I was following the basic course for beginners in English. It was a lot of information, very clear and in nice atmosphere. Thanks to our teacher! Really recommend for beginners!”

Practical information massage course

  • prerequisite education or knowledge: none
  • minimum age requirement: 18 years old
  • education level of the course for beginners: college level (MBO level)
  • The price of this course is 297 euros, this includes the manual and the certificate of participation.
  • Payment can be done with your registration using iDEAL or Bancontact.
  • Course location: van Schellingerhoutstraat 16, 2481 XC, Woubrugge.
    The course is not in The Hague!
  • What to bring yourself?
    • A single-sized fitted sheet for the massage table.
    • A cotton blanket/towel/sheet which covers your entire body.
    • Wear casual easy fitting clothes.
    • Leave jewelry at home and have clean hands with short-trimmed nails.
    • No outdoor shoes allowed in the practice room. You can bring slippers or shoes which are only worn indoors.

Massage lesson for two people

The lessons take place at the practice of the trainer. We only offer the Basic Massage Course in English upon request. Please fill in the form at the bottom of this page if you wish to do this course. When a date and time have been agreed with you, the trainer will send you the link to officially register via the “Bestellen” button (‘purchase’).

The course is offered to a pair of students; therefore, another participant is needed in addition to yourself. If you happen to be signing up with someone, then both of you can do the course together. However, you will each need to register separately. The trainer will send a link to each of you to do so via the “Bestellen” button (‘purchase’). If you do not have someone else with you, the OMB will connect you with another interested student. Registration (which includes payment) can only take place when the time and date have been agreed between you and the trainer!

Samir Rawas SarayjiThe teacher:
“Samir Rawas Sarayji has his own practice Chi Works where he offers Massage Therapy, Dao Lu, Holistic Coaching and Shamanic Therapy. He holds degrees in English and Literature (2015) and in Mathematical Sciences (2006). In March 2020 he received his Diploma in Massage from the OMB Academy after which he enrolled in the trainer’s program. His passion for massage has quickly expanded to encompass different styles and techniques, all of which he offers in his massage studio. English is his mother tongue.
Have a look at his website by clicking here.

Registration Massage Course for Beginners in English

Please complete the form below. We will contact you within a few days to arrange class dates and times. If you are alone, we will first look for a second participant.


    Your first and last name

    Your e-mail address

    You will receive information on this e-mail, so make sure it is correctly filled in.

    Your phone number

    Do you prefer classes in the evening, or during the weekend?

    Do you know someone else who also wants to do this course?

    If yes, please enter the details of the second person


    First and last name 2nd participant

    E-mail address 2nd participant

    Phone number 2nd participant

    If you do not know someone else

    Do you give us permission to share your name and contact information with another person who is also looking for a second participant?

    Do you have a preference whether you follow the course with a man or a woman?

    Any comments

    If you have entered all of the information correctly and you click on the button, then you will see below whether your request has been correctly sent. We will contact you within a few days.

    Note: We have translated the information on this website into English as much as possible, but this is not possible everywhere. Make use of a translation function of your browser. Is something not clear for you? Please, send us an email. Our trainer Samir is a native speaker.

    Note: it is not yet possible to take the two follow-up courses in English.

    Sam about this course:
    “I really enjoyed this course. The trainer is so knowledgable and approachable and friendly and clearly enjoys to share his passion for massage. All the techniques were so clearly demonstrated and so much attention given when we were practising. I am so enthusiastic over this course, I can’t wait to do the next one!”


    Only register if you have already agreed on a date and time for at least the first lesson. You may also have already agreed on the other lessons, but that can also be done during the first lesson.

    After your registration you will automatically receive an email, including a link to a PDF with all practical information. You will receive the invoice in a separate e-mail.

    Richard from The Hague about the massage course in English:
    “The course was delivered excellently, with care, respect and confidence. The techniques are taught on how to give a full body massage. Following the course, supplementary materials are also made available to supplement and to endorse the techniques. In addition, there is also a web-shop for those wishing to pursue learning and practicing further. Highly recommended!”