Back – Shoulder
Massage Online


Learn Online Back-Shoulder Massage from Home
English version!

  • Learn techniques that provide immediate relief for stress and muscle pain
  • Don’t miss this opportunity to start in just five minutes
  • Includes Online Certificate
  • Includes access to our Knowledge Center
  • With videos, descriptions and more


Do you want to learn Back-Shoulder Massage online? You can with these massage lesson for beginners. This workshop is our most important and also the most popular lesson that we have been teaching since 2005. What makes this lesson so popular?

When you think of massage, the first thing that comes to mind is the massage of the back and shoulders. Even when you see a picture of massage somewhere, it is almost always a back-shoulder massage. Sound familiar? There is a reason for this.

Learn Back Shoulder Massage OnlineWhen people have muscle or tension complaints somewhere, it is often in this area. People naturally pull up their shoulders and thereby tense these muscles, especially when there is stress. This does not even have to be a lot of stress, even with a little unconscious tension you contract muscles. A quick massage of the shoulders (or having them massaged) is therefore also very accessible, quickly provides relief from complaints and is quickly appreciated.

In addition, this is an area of ​​the body where you can do large and firm massage techniques. With that you quickly become familiar with massaging. We share our expertise with you and you learn a skill to always be able to help people with back and shoulder complaints.

Learn Back Shoulder Massage Online in this workshop

Do you also want to learn the tricks of the trade and take relaxation into your own hands? Then order this basic module and start your first lesson within five minutes. With this workshop you will learn the perfect basis of how massage works exactly and what is essential to know about massage. This workshop will not only help you with this, but also ensures that you really help people feel better.

You will learn about the requirements and ideal conditions of massage, about the start of the massage, the structure of your techniques, the order of techniques, what you need to take into account and much more. Once you understand the core of massage – and you can with this workshop – you can then effortlessly continue with other modules.

Practical information about learning Back-Shoulder Massage Online

  • Learn to massage at your own pace.
  • MBO level, no prior education required.
  • Suitable for 18 years and older.
  • Including online teaching materials.
  • Including online certificate.
  • After this module, you can continue learning with other modules.
  • Bonus: If you order now, you will also receive free access to our extensive Knowledge Center on massage.

We are still working on the translations of the knowledge center. For now it is in Dutch, but you can use the Translation tools of your web browser. The spoken instructions in the videos are also in Dutch, but it is still very educational to watch them.

Order now and get instant access to your first lesson!

You can order this online massage lesson by clicking on the blue button. After filling in your details you can make the payment with iDEAL or Bancontact.

After completing your order, two emails will be automatically sent to you. In one, you will find an invoice for your own administration. In the other email, there is a unique link with which you can create your personal account on Leren-Masseren.nl.

Would you rather learn massage in a practical lesson from one of our professional teachers?

For more information about the massage course in English, please visit this page. It is given near the city of Leiden.